These are the Friendly Fires that happened in wars during 2022.
Russian Invasion of Ukraine
- 12 April 2022 – A Ukrainian T-64 fires at Ukrainian infantrymen posturing over a captured Russian tank, killing all the infantrymen.
- 8 May 2022 – A Russian flamethrower unit mistook fellow Russian troops for the enemy, attacking them, with unknown casualties.
- 10 May 2022 – During the Battle of Zaporzhzhia, Russian artillery fired on their own troops and destroyed over 20 armored vehicles.
- 20 June 2022 – International Legion units spent two hours in a firefight with Ukrainian special forces.
- 10 July 2022 - Russia kept killing it's own troops.
Russian Invasion of Siberia
- on May 29th 2022, Siberia began Friendly Fire without realizing it.
- 1 June 2022 - a Bedrockiunese Ship mistook a Siberian Ship as a Russian Ship.
- 10 June 2022 - a Siberian Battleship fired at an empty USS Cargo Ship thinking that was a Russian Cargo Ship.
- 15 June 2022 - Siberia accidentally shot down a Bedrockiunese Hewicopter.
- 25 June 2022 - Siberia accidentally fired at Kazakh Cities. Siberia apologized to Kazakhstan for the incident.
- 10 July 2022 - A SATO Hewicopter thought it were shooting Russian troops and realized they shot Siberian troops. A Bedrockiunese Ship did the same thing.
- 20 July 2022 - While getting ready for a Battle with China, one of the Chinese Troops was wearing a Russian uniform, Siberia fired at that troop. then the troop spoke Chinese. Siberia said it will be more careful next time.
- 25 July 2022 - Siberia accidentally fired at a Mongolian City, Siberia apologized to Mongolia for the incident.
- 30 July 2022 - Siberia accidentally fired at Japan, Siberia apologized to Japan for the incident.
- 5 August 2022 - Siberian troops accidentally fired at a Bedrockiunese Hewicopter.
Bedrockiunese Invasion of Westopolis
- 29 May 2022 - Bedrockium started to do the same thing.
- 10 June 2022 - Bedrockiunese troops and Bedrockish troops in Most North Bedrockium mistook each other for Westopolian troops, They fired at each other for 3 hours.
- 15 June 2022 - Bedrockium mistook a USS Cargo Ship for a Westopolian Cargo Ship, the Bedrockiunese Ship accidentally fired at the USS Cargo ship.
- 20 June 2022 - a Bedrockiunese Sub fired at another Bedrockiunese sub.
- 25 June 2022 - a Bedrockiunese Ship erroneously fired over a Westopolian ship and hit a Bedrockish Ship.
- 5 July 2022 - a Bedrockiunese Ship mistook a Zedroball City for a Westopolian City. The Bedrockiunese Ship spent 5 hours destroying the Zedroball City.
- 10 July 2022 - SATO Accidentally mistook Zedroball's Capital for Westopolis's Capital. luckily, Zedroball's government was able to warn SATO before SATO started bombing.
- 15 July 2022 - Westopolis's Russian supply was accidentally cut off by Westopolis themselves as they destroyed the Russian Cargo Ship by mistake. Westopolis will have to wait another week for supplies.
- 20 July 2022 - Some Bedrockiunese troops accidentally went south towards Redrock. Luckily, they did not fire at Redrock.
- 26 July 2022 - Bedrockiunese Troops and Bedrockish Troops did the same thing as they did on the 10th of June. They fired at each other again for 5 hours. SATO launches more reinforcements just in case.
- 27 July 2022 - Bedrockish Artillary Fired of the Bedrockiunese Artillary by mistake, resulting in casulties, Bedrockiunese artillary fired back at the Bedrockish.
- Same Day - SATO Hewicopter Shot Bedrockiunese troops by mistake. Bedrockiunese troops returned fire at the SATO Hewicopter.
- Same Day again - The same Bedrockiunese Ship did the same thing as it did on the 10th of July. this time, a Bedrockish ship Joined the Bedrockiunese Ship.
- Same Day yet again - Bedrockiunese Troops and Bedrockish Troops mistook SATO Troops for Westopolian troops. they didn't fire at the SATO troops though.
- 5 August - Uhackinese troops mistook a Zedroball ship for a Westopolian ship.