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    Polandball Fanon Wiki

    Islamic Emirate of Matalaniaball (709 AD–741 AD)

    File:Umayyad-icon.png First Islamic Emirate of Matalaniaball File:Umayyad-icon.png
    Arabic: أول إمارة إسلامية في ماتالانيابال
    Al-Emara Eslamia fe Matalaniapal
    Death to Christ!
    GovernmentFile:Umayyad-icon.pngFile:Emirate-icon.png Umayyad puppet under an Islamic Emirate
    PersonalityReligious, Kebab, Sexist
    Language(s) Arabic (official)
    Turkic Matalanian (majority)
    Type Turkic
    CapitalFile:Pakistan-icon.png Allahabadball (719 AD–741 AD)
    Oquinuball (709 AD–719 AD)
    Relations and opinions
    FriendsFile:Umayyad-icon.png Dad!
    ə friend who i influenced to be muslim!
    Enemies YOU!!!
    Likes Islam #1 Religion, 🕋 Hajj
    Dislikes Christians
    Historical information
    Predecessor Kingdom of Matalaniaball
    Matalanian Caliphateball
    Is of importants
    Can into space?No
    BörkUmayyad Umayyad

    File:Umayyad-icon.png First Islamic Emirate of Matalaniaball is a former countryball which was alive during the Christian-Islamic conflict in Matalaniaball from 709 AD to 741 AD. Is the Muslim version of Papal Matalaniaball who were brothers who hated each other but Papal Matalaniaball was killed by him in 741 AD but Islamic Matalaniaball will suffer the same end this time with his File:Umayyad-icon.png father.

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