Quick author's note: The racism is 100% satire bro dw.
Deletion of the page will be mildly frowned upon.
Northern Emeraldiaball is an autonomous region in southern Poopistanball inahbited mainly by Smaragdine people. She was previously part of Nether Villageball, but functioned as a de-facto independent ALNE-run state.
- Смарагдынбалл - Mama <3
- Эмэралдиꚜскэ Рэспубликабалл - Омма <3
- АЛНЭбалл - На̃ша армия
- Smaragdine states - Lil cousins
- Цутфабалл - Other lil cousin
- Сахабалл (Smaragdine) - Also cousin <3
- Ъо̄ккаидобалл - The place mommy from
- Гӏалгӏайче - Pig :)
- По̄пистаннбалл - Owner(?) who also likes removing Nedr
- ФСВР Цисйиминиябалл - ВИТИ, ВИТИ, ЦИСЙИМИНИЯ
- Томдакибалл - Best friend, I help her with get rid of famine, sadly evil Nedr doing kill of her too
- Эдакиябалл - TI's little brother!
- Нэдариябалл - We had a lot of war but that be in past <s>(thank to her new president who was born on MY CLAY)</s>. We move on and try be friends now :) (also I beat her in football lmao)
- Падлиябалл - She have many wars with mommy but I don't really minding her (our people are pretty much the same so).
- Увраӥнабалл - He send immigrant. I do not like immigrant. Immigrant take money. But he still nice country so I like :)
- Картвэлиябалл - Very nice country :)