Snowlandball is a cold island a Slavic countryball in East Asia.
Snowlandball was born as a File:1-icon.png 1ball, adopted by File:Russian-Empire-icon.png Russian Empireball.
Friends (Нарумати)
- Russiaball - My big brother! We both drink vodka together.
- Siberiaball - He's the Asian Russia! We're both cold.
- Finlandball and Polandball - Successful independents of Russia. For Finland, I like your games, phones, and music, and for Poland, happy 100th anniversary my brother!
- Mongoliaball - The guy who throat sings. :)
- Alaskaball - The best US state in the world because he has snow like me.
- Greenlandball - Nice eskimos! But why do you like committing suicide?
- File:Yakutia-icon.png Sakhaball - You're the coldest place in the world, and I love it!
- Antarcticaball - The cold continent.
- Chinaball - Somewhat friend. BUT CONTROL YOUR VIRUS!!! Also free Hong Kong already! Remove NSL!
- Japanball - I really like his cars and anime. Heard that there was a snow park in his clay with those "snow monsters".
- South Koreaball - A good Korea. He is more peaceful than this punk. His phones, cars, and appliances are good.
- Taiwanball - Good electronics as well. Any China is good.
Neutral (Нютраль)
- Crimeaball - Kind of my cousin, but why do you hate Ukraine?
- : Cuz I prefer to be with Russia!
- File:Snowland-icon.png: Now that's very unusual. :/
- File:Turkey-icon.png Turkeyball - File:Yakutia-icon.png Sakha's hot cousin, some slavic clays visit here, but why yuo hate some of my friends? at least of okay kebab.
Enemies (Вароги)
- ISISball - This guy wants to terrorize the whole wide world. Hope yuo of freezings!
- File:Saderafa-icon.png Sadmerafaball - Oh, this commie bitch called me and File:Tashein-icon.png Tasheinball Russian sterotypes! FUCKINGS YUO FOR THAT!!
- North Koreaball - This idiot is obsessed with nukes! Remove Kim Jong-Un! South Korea is and will be the true Korea!