Draw Penangball as an File:8-icon.png 8ball football player since this Penangball is also pretending to be an 8ball, but his 8ball persona is an American football player. Two versions:
1. Penang holding his 8ball costume, wearing shades and a skull cap (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d1/4f/94/d14f94e0406647d82e6c218fc6d91352.jpg) (Pick the blue but remove the logo and text and leave the skull cap blank except for these line mark things). Call it "Alt-Penang-icon"
2. Penang in his 8ball costume, wearing shades and a football helmet and holding a football. Call it "Alt-Penang-icon (masked)"<ac_metadata title="Icon Request (again)"> </ac_metadata>