Note: Regular Names are used
Note #2: Feel Free to edit this story.
Chapter 1
Bedrockium: Uh, Hey, guy, why are you blocking Bedrock's beaches?
USA: Bedrock Just does not seem to understand.
Bedrockium: He don't want no industries.
USA: IDNFC. He is prone to Russian Attacks. he is also prone to Chinese Attacks!
Bedrockium: You realize that Siberian boats are keeping Russia from getting past and you & Japan & Philippines are preventing China from getting past Taiwan.
China: Besides, I do not want to attack Bedrock. me and him are trading partners. his only threat is Russia.
USA: Bedrock. Just accept it.
Bedrock: No! I... Told... You... I... Do... Not... Want... ANY... INDUSTRIES!!!
USA: Well, NATO. Get your countries here.
NATO: Okay.
[ Three Minutes Later ]
Bedrock: Uh. Why am I surrounded?
France: You know why, Bedrock.
Bedrockium: I'm not gonna stop them, they are my allies.
Germany: Do you even have a money printer?
Bedrock: No, I don't want one.
Germany: Well, too bad. You're gonna get one.
Bedrock: Please. You're making me sad.
Industried Ukraine: [ Goes up with Assault Shotgun ]
Bedrockium: Um, Ukraine. is that an Assault Shotgun?
Industried Ukraine: Yeah, I produced it. myself!
Bedrockium: It worked, he got his industries up and running!
Industried Ukraine: Yeah. Thanks for rebuilding my area.
Bedrockium: You're welcome.
Poland: Now, we want Bedrock Industrialized!
Bedrock: You are all persistent!
Canada: Yeah, we are gonna stay persistent until you say "yes"!
Bedrock: [ Whine ] No...
Spain: We are gonna stay here, Bedrock.
Uhack: WTF?! What's happening?
Bedrockium: Apparently Bedrock got himself into trouble with NATO.
Redrock: poor thing, He Just wanted to be industryless...
Bedrockium: Unfortunately they are not letting that be a thing anymore.
Redrock: Why aren't they surrounding me?
Bedrockium: Because, Redrock, you actually allowed other countries to build industries in your area.
Redrock: Yeah, I let you. because you're the closest.
Bedrockium: Yeah. even they seem to think Just one country to build industries is enough.
Redrock: Yeah, Poor Bedrock. they're actually oppressing him.
Bedrockium: I'd like to actually get this into the UN.
United Nations: Oh, sorry, Bedrockium. The UN is actually in favor of Bedrock getting industrialized.
Britain: Please, old chap? I'm your father.
Bedrock: No... I told you! I told everyone. and yet, you guys think it's not enough!
USA: Of Course it isn't enough.
Bedrock: [ Whimper ]
Bedrockium: [ Watches Judge Judy ]
Judge Judy: [ On TV ] Hey! Hey! [ Raps Hammer ] I'm talking here! there, that's better. Now, Russia, it was wrong for you to declare an unjustified war on a smaller nation. Why don't you try to pick on someone your own size? Like, China for instants?
Russia: I can't your honor, he's my best friend.
Judge Judy: Oh, Really? Then how come I can see him cheering for me when I talk back to you?
Russia: What?! WTF?!
Judge Judy: Hey Hey HEY!! There shall be no foul language in this courtroom!
Russia: Your honor, I usually say that.
Judge Judy: Not in this courtroom! this is a PG-Rated Show! Y7, G, PG, and PG-12 are considered ratings to have no bad words!
Bedrockium: [ Pauses ] I wonder what they are doing?
NATO Countries: [ Still on the border with their guns ]
Bedrockium: I don't think they are gonna leave... not for one second.
Austria-Hungary: We don't plan to leave.
Croatia: Yeah.
Yugoslavia: He means it.
Bedrockium: No Slovenia?
Croatia: Nope, I anschlussed him before Yugoslavia could get to him.
Bedrockium: Oh, Okay.
Czechia: We are gonna get Bedrock to have Industries!
[ One Hour Later ]
Bedrockium: In a few minutes they are gonna get tired and try to go home.
[ Two Hours Later ]
Bedrockium: Just waiting for them to move...
[ Three Hours Later ]
Redrock: Can you move along? I'm all out of time cards.
Bedrockium: Produce more, we need them.
[ Four Hours Later ]
Bedrockium: I'm very sure they will get tired and move.
[ Five Hours Later ]
Bedrockium: They aren't moving. They are so persistent!
USA: We are gonna wait until Bedrock accepts the Industries!
Bedrockium: You are gonna wait an awful long time.
USA: We don't mind.
Siberia: What are they doing?
Bedrockium: [ Stern Sigh ] They Just want industrialize Bedrock, and Bedrock doesn't want that.
Siberia: Aren't they gonna go home?
USA: I meant what I said and I said what I meant!
Siberia: USA, You're gonna get tired somehow.
USA: I never get tired.
Siberia: Oh, really? Just like how Shaggy and Scooby never gets tired of Scooby Snacks when they actually did?
USA: Who TF produced that?! I specifically did it to where Shaggy and Scooby never gets tired of Scooby Snacks and someone put that they was tired of Scooby snacks in a movie!
Bedrockium: I'd like to see that.
[ TV Turns on ]
Velma: You want a Scooby Snack?
Shaggy: Nope, We're tired of Scooby Snacks.
Velma: How about a whole box?
Shaggy: Nope.
Velma: how about 5 boxes?
Shaggy: Nope, we are still tired of Scooby Snacks.
Velma: 10?
Shaggy: Nope.
Velma: 20? 25? 50? 100? 200? 250? 500? 1,000? 2,000? 2,500? 5,000? 10,000? 20,000? 25,000? 50,000? 100,000? 200,000? 250,000? 500,000? 1,000,000?
Shaggy: Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope and Nope! we are still tired of Scooby Snacks!
Velma: How about a Billion Boxes?
Shaggy: Uh, Nope. I don't care how many Scooby Snacks you try to offer us. we are still tired of it!
Velma: Okay. I guess I'll do it myself.
Shaggy: That's better.
[ TV Turns off ]
USA: I swear, if it went to a trillion, I wouldn't be able to make any! I'll run out of ingredients! the Supply won't even meet the demand anymore! and I'll drop out of the Scooby Snack business entirely!
[ 5 more hours later ]
USA: Bedrock, We are waiting.
Bedrock: You are waiting a long time, Aren't you?
USA: We will stay here!
Chapter 2
USA: Look, Bedrock, Just let us industrialize your area, it'll be quick and painless.
Bedrock: You wanna industrialize my area? it's gonna be long and painful!
[ Meanwhile ]
Belarus: Russia, are you seriously putting troops near my border?!
Russia: [ Invades Belarus ]
[ Russian Invasion of Belarus Starts ]
NATO: Russia!! WTF did we tell you about invading a country?!
Russia: I'm not invading Ukraine!
Industried Ukraine: Hey, Belarus, I'm a send some arms to your area.
Belarus: Thanks, Ukraine. and I am sorry I invaded you.
Industried Ukraine: Apology accepted. now, let's fight Russia!
NATO: Meanwhile, I will also send arms to Belarus.
China: I thought Belarus was your ally!
Russia: He's not anymore! I Just invaded him!
China: Invading your own ally! VERY SHAMEFUL!!
Bedrockium: Just like I standed with Ukraine, I will stand with Belarus!
Siberia: Isn't Belarus a Landlocked Nation?
Bedrockium: Yes, he is.
Siberia: Well, Russia invaded him for no reason, so. I will stand with Belarus!
Russia: I need to get to Minsk!
Belarus: Russia, Stop invading me!
Industried Ukraine: I suggest you stop, Russia.
Russia: Well, I can't invade you anymore, You got plenty of stuff for protection!
Industried Ukraine: Yeah, but going against Belarus?! He trusted you!
Russia: I never trusted him in the first place!
Belarus: Someone send arms to me!
NATO: We're sending arms right now! We do not want Russia to border any NATO Country except for Finland and Ukraine!
[ Meanwhile in China ]
China: Should I invade Taiwan?
Siberia: No, China. that'll trigger a response from The USA, Bedrockium, Japan, Australia and I.
China: Well, I can't, Evergrande is causing problems.
North Korea: Are you seriously gonna not invade Taiwan because of Evergrande?!
China: Yes, North Korea. Evergrande make up some of my GDP! about 30 percent!
North Korea: Maybe I can help you. how much debt is Evergrande in?
China: About the same as Apple's value. 2.08 Trillion Dollars.
North Korea: OMG, I can't help you that much. that'll completely wipe out my money!
China: I know. Thanks for trying.
North Korea: Yeah.
Siberia: [ Pays 3 Trillion Dollars for Evergrande's debt ]
China: Meanwhile, I'm 50 Trillion Dollars of Debt!
[ Meanwhile ]
Bedrock: Why are you guys still oppressing me?!
USA: Bedrock, Industries!
Bedrock: I told you I do not want any!
USA: This already passed in the UNSC pal. this also passed in the UN.
Bedrock: IDNC What they say!
United Nations: Okay, Then we won't do any trade coming your way!
Bedrock: Why are you doing this?!
USA: Because, Bedrock. You are very prone to a Russian Invasion!
Bedrock: How the frick am I very prone?!
Industried Ukraine: I was prone once, but Bedrockium, Siberia, The USA, Britain and the EU built industries in my area, and now I am the big Israel!
Bedrockium: Ukraine actually wanted industries, Bedrock doesn't.
USA: with no industries, Bedrock is prone to Russian attacks!
Redrock: Just Watching some Judge Judy.
Bedrockium: That's your favorite program, right?
Redrock: Yeah, It is. I also watch Maury.
Bedrockium: Yeah. I watch The People's Court.
Redrock: Oh, really? Did it come back on WFXK?
Bedrockium: Yeah, it did. at 3:00 PM.
Redrock: Oh. Oh, yeah, I see it.
USA: Bedrock, Just Accept it.
Bedrock: NO!!
USA: and why not?!
Bedrock: Because I said I do not want any industries!
[ Meanwhile in Syria ]
Republic of Syria: Hah! get beat Islamic Moron!
Syria: [ Dies ]
Republic of Syria: Now I can change my name.
Syria: That's Better! now I Just need someone to come and rebuild my area!
Bedrockium: Hey, Siberia! Another Opportunity! let's Rebuild Syria!
Siberia: Okay!
[ Construction Starts in Syria ]
Bedrockium: Siberia, same role as what we did in Ukraine.
Siberia: Sure.
Turkiye: I can provide you guys with Excavators and construction stuff.
Bedrockium: Thanks Turkiye. we are also planning to build in Egypt, Morocco, Lebanon, Moldova, Republic of Georgia, Azerbaijan, Iceland and Nigeria.
Armenia: What about me?
Bedrockium: you don't fit the description of having industries, sorry.
Armenia: I want Industries!
Bedrockium: Nah, you don't. nope.
Industried Ukraine: Why is Moldova getting Industries?
Bedrockium: Because, Ukraine, Every European Nation except Russia should have industries. Britain has an Industry, France has an Industry, Germany has and Industry. Poland has an Industry. Italy has an Industry, Spain has an Industry, the Scandinavian Countries have Industries. the former AustrioHungarian Empire Countries have an Industry. even The AustrioHungarian Republic has an Industry. Portugal has an Industry. Yugoslavia Doesn't have an Industry, I should probably add him to the list, but Croatia has an Industry. the Baltic Nations have Industries. Romania and Bulgaria have Industries. and Just Recently, you got an Industry.
Industried Ukraine: Oh, Okay. Yugoslavia, and Belarus. Okay.
Bedrockium: I'm gonna wait until the invasion stops to put industries inside Belarus.
USA: Wait a minute, you are gonna put Industries in Egypt, Morocco, Lebanon, Moldova, Republic of Georgia, Azerbaijan, Iceland, Nigeria and Yugoslavia?
Bedrockium: What is the problem with that?
USA: putting industries in those said countries are the exact opposite of it being a problem. it's actually a good thing. but I'd like to ask you, why don't you want Bedrock to have industries?
Bedrockium: It's not me that doesn't want Bedrock to have industries, it's Bedrock himself that doesn't want industries!
Armenia: I want Industries! but Bedrockium won't let me.
Bedrockium: You're not qualified, Armenia.
Turkiye: Even Bedrockium thinks I didn't do the genocide.
Bedrockium: You are correct on you not doing it, but it did happen, not by you, but by the Ottoman Empire. the Ottoman Empire is gone, and you are here, so, there is no reason to keep this topic open. I'm dismissing the topic all together, this topic is nonsense, Armenia keeps calling out Turkiye for what the Ottoman Empire did. It's Disgraceful, Disgusting and Despicable! I'd like for this stupid topic to stop altogether. it's a thing of the past and Armenia should know this. if he brings up the topic again, I'm declaring war on him. Just so you know, this is a stupid topic that is nonsense. like I said before, and I will say it again. It's Disgraceful, Disgusting and Despicable. Armenia is enemies with three of it's neighbors because of this stupid topic that should've been resolved a long time ago. it's like frickin brainwashing on what Armenia is doing to some of the countries and trying to make them believe Armenia's Story. It wasn't Turkiye, is was the Ottoman Empire, Armenia should know this by now. but Armenia keeps blaming Turkiye on what Turkiye didn't even do! again, It's Disgraceful, Disgusting and Despicable. and another thing, Armenia is claiming territory what is rightfully Azerbaijan's territory. that's why Armenia and Azerbaijan keeps going into wars against each other, Armenia is the aggressor and Azerbaijan is the defender. so now you know why Armenia is not qualified to have any industries built in his area. because of aggressions Armenia keeps causing.
USA: Yeah, I get you. but why does Syria get Industries?
Bedrockium: because, the Democratic side won. the Islamic side lost. that's why.
USA: Oh, Okay.
Armenia: Fine, I'll stop the Topic, Now can I get the industries?
Bedrockium: Let's wait one week, no aggressions towards Azerbaijan, got it?
Armenia: Okay. I won't do them.
Bedrockium: Good.
USA: Egypt, Morocco, Lebanon, Moldova, Republic of Georgia, Azerbaijan, Iceland, Nigeria and Yugoslavia.
Bedrockium: Yeah. I think I'll do Jordan and Yemen as well. as soon as the Yemen Civil War stops... and I will do Belarus as soon as Russia stops invading him.
[ Meanwhile ]
China: I'm fixing to invade you, Taiwan.
Taiwan: You don't have the guts. nor the manpower, nor the cash!
China: You're right, I'm Just an empty threat.
Chinese Liberation Front: Wow. I thought China would declare war on Taiwan, I'm Hungry for War! War with China! I'm created for a reason!|
Russian Rebels: Welp, I'm still here, saying that Belarus needs to live.
China: Please let me have the money. I need the money to invade Taiwan! I know! I can print more money!
Bedrockium: That'll bring the inflation up and you will be in more debt!
China: I can't do anything!!
[ Meanwhile ]
Russia: My main Priority is to capture Minsk!
Belarus: You ain't capturing Minsk!
Industried Ukraine: I'm gonna provide a Billion Dollars worth of Military Weapons.
Poland: I'm providing 2 Billion Dollars worth of Equipment!
Germany: I'm providing Belarus with Financial aid!
USA: I'm gonna give Belarus Long Ranged Rockets!
Bedrockium: I'm giving Belarus 999 Billion Dollars of Financial Aid!
Belarus: Thanks guys!
Bedrockium: We are Just keeping Russia away from Poland's Border!
[ Meanwhile ]
USA: I Guess we are waiting here all night.
Bedrock: You are so persistent! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?!
France: You need Industries!
Bedrock: NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!
Bedrock: I SAID NO!!
Bedrock: [ Triggered ]
USA: Just Accept it!
Bedrock: No, I will not Accept it!
USA: You're gonna accept it whether you like it or not!
Bedrock: I told you, NO!!
[ Meanwhile ]
Bedrockium: Okay, Siberia. are you demolishing those destroyed buildings?
Siberia: Yeah, I am.
Bedrockium: First Syria, then Egypt, then Morocco, then Lebanon, then Moldova, then the Republic of Georgia, then Azerbaijan, then Iceland, then Nigeria and Finally, Yugoslavia. and when the war is over, We can do Belarus.
Siberia: Wow. 11 Countries! Are you sure you can do all of them?
Bedrockium: Yes, I am sure, then need Industries. and they are willing to have any.
Chapter 3
Bedrockium: Yup, They are willing to have Industries.
Siberia: Yeah.
UAE: Umm, what is happening right now?
Qatar: I have Al-Jazerra to explain the answers!
[ Meanwhile ]
Russia: Belarus, Just Surrender right now!
Belarus: No! I got NATO and Ukraine to help me!
Industried Ukraine: Yup! You can't invade me anymore!
Russia: You dirty rotten bastard...
[ Meanwhile ]
Armenia: That does it "Turkey"! We are going to war!
Bedrockium: It's Turkiye and no, you are not going to war! I swear, if it's the same topic, I will do something!
Armenia: and if it was?
Bedrockium: I told you before to end that topic, I told you before and I can say it again, Turkiye did not do it, The Ottoman Empire did! but you keep saying it's Turkiye's fault when it is not!
Armenia: I still want to be qualified for industries!
Bedrockium: I'm sorry, but you are not qualified. you will never be qualified for industries!
Siberia: besides, we are gonna do Syria, then Egypt, then Morocco, then Lebanon, then Moldova, then the Republic of Georgia, then Azerbaijan, then Iceland, then Nigeria and Finally, Yugoslavia. and when the war is over, We are gonna do Belarus.
Industried Ukraine: Yeah, I got Industries now! Bedrockium is looking for someone who is industry hungry. he's doing one, he's got 9 on the wait list and one on the really long wait list.
Bedrockium: Who else is industry hungry? who else wants industries built in their area?
Chapter 4
China: I want to reunify with Taiwan so frickin much! Taiwan, Please Reunify!
Taiwan: No, China! we are not reunifying! you are a communist dictatorship!
China: Do I have to declare war on you?!
USA: We still got Taiwan as allies!
Siberia: I can declare war on you anytime!
China: Why are you protecting Taiwan?!
Siberia: Because, Taiwan is an independent country!
China: I'm fixing to declare war! watch it!
[ Meanwhile ]